This page is for updates to ongoing projects. For the most up to date info or to help move things forward, please join our Advocacy Committee!
Decatur Avenue Traffic Study
2/16/2024 Update:
The County will be holding a virtual meeting to review the Decatur Avenue traffic restriction on Wednesday, March 13 at 7:30 pm. The proposal from the county would restrict turns from the traffic circle at Wexford Ave onto Decatur from 4-6pm Monday - Friday. At the hearing, the county will share all available information including feedback received during the 30 day comment period. Anyone is welcome to give testimony for or against the restriction. A 30-day written feedback period will follow after which the hearing officer will make a recommendation to the Director of Transportation.
You will need to register with the county to attend the meeting or to give testimony at the meeting. Click here to register.
East Side Road Resurfacing
2/16/24 Update:
The county has plans to resurface a large number of roads on the east side of the neighborhood in the next year. It is still dependent on budget and contractors so nothing is finalized. The streets in red are on the list for Phase One. We have not received any information on why all the streets were not included and if there is a Phase Two. A walkthrough of neighborhood streets will occur with the county, probably in April. If you have suggestions for streets to visit, please send us an e-mail.
Connecticut and Denfeld Intersection Safety
Update 2/16/24:
We heard at the annual meeting continued concerns about the intersection of Connecticut and Denfeld. Last summer the state concluded its study and had with a number of recommendations. It’s unclear what has actually been implemented. We will be following up with the Maryland Department of Transportation and will keep you posted.
You can read the final e-mail from the State Highway Association here. Note that only names and e-mails have been redacted for privacy.
There have been concerns about frequent crashes occurring at the intersection at Connecticut Ave and Adams Drive. We will be requesting the state look at the intersection to see if there are any improvements that could be made. If this is an effort you would like to help with, please e-mail us.